Rate Limiting

Yosai allows developers to regulate account authentication for any particular user account by defining a number of maximum allowable authentication attempts. If a developer defines within yosai’s authentication settings an account_lock_threshold, account locking is enabled, using account_lock_threshold as the limit.

Assuming account locking is enabled, the moment that the number of failed authentication attempts exceeds the maximum-allowable threshold, Yosai will lock the account, prohibiting subsequent authentication regardless of whether credentials match.

    account_lock_threshold: null

An AccountStoreRealm obtains an account from storage. Prior to authenticating an account, the realm determines whether account regulation is enabled in Yosai settings. If account regulation is enabled, the account’s locked attribute is evaluated to determine whether an account is locked (and if so, when).

If the account is locked: A LockedAccountException is raised, including a tuple containing the timestamp of the current authentication attempt and a timestamp of when the account was locked.

If the account is not locked, authentication proceeds.

When authentication fails, Yosai caches when the failed attempt happend. When the total number of failed attempts exceeds the maximum allowable fails, the account is locked in the underlying accountstore of the realm that facilitates locking. Consequently, failed authentication attempts live in cache until the corresponding cache entry expires or is deleted.