TOTP Context

A TOTP instance can be initialized using a number of arguments that are passed during TOTP Factory initialization. Customizing configuration is entirely optional. The default values defined within passlib will likely address your needs.

Yosai currently supports the following attributes within the “totp -> context” settings section of the Yosai yaml settings file. Below is the context config that comes packaged with Yosai. As you can see, only secrets is defined within context, enabling use of passlib.totp’s default values.

                1479568656:  9xEF7DRojqkJLUENWmOoF3ZCWz3kFHylDCES92dSvYV

This is what a hypothetical configuration looks like if you were to use the default configuration defined within passlib.totp:

            digits: 6
            alg: sha1
            period: 30
            label: token_label_123
            issuer: my_application_name
                1479568656:  9xEF7DRojqkJLUENWmOoF3ZCWz3kFHylDCES92dSvYV

secrets is the only dict. The other attributes are simple key/values:

  • digits: The number of digits (length) of the the TOTP token, where 6 < len(digits) < 10 and default is 6
  • alg: Name of hash algorithm to use. Defaults to "sha1". "sha256" and "sha512" are also accepted, per :rfc:6238.
  • period: The number of seconds per counter step, defaults to 30 seconds
  • label: Label to associate with this token when generating a URI. It is displayed to a user by most OTP client applications (e.g. Google Authenticator), and typically has format such as "John Smith" or "". Defaults to None.
  • issuer: String identifying the token issuer (e.g. the domain name of your service). Used internally by some OTP client applications (e.g. Google Authenticator) to distinguish entries which otherwise have the same label. Optional but strongly recommended if you’re rendering to a URI. Defaults to None.