Web Integration

This section of documentation is dedicated to yosai.web.

When you install Yosai from PyPI (using the pip installer), you are installing a package that includes yosai.core, featuring the framework and a "native" library, and yosai.web, which extends yosai.core to support web applications.

Web development is so popular that it makes sense to include support for it from the main Yosai project package. Further, this approach is consistent with that taken by the Apache Shiro project.

Architectural Overview

Yosai enables web support by extending, through inheritance, a few of the key components (and sub-components), in its architecture:


These components are extended to support interaction with a web-specific API, known as a WebRegistry API, that manages a web application's cookies used to track SessionID and RememberMe and manages other related attributes.

Web Registry API

yosai.web is designed to integrate with any kind of web application. It can integrate with any application framework, such as Django, Pyramid, Flask, or Bottle. This is made possible through application-specific implementations of the WebRegistry API.

The WebRegistry API is an interface, specified by an abstract base class (like the rest of the interfaces defined in Yosai). For instance, a pyramid_yosai integration consists of a PyramidWebRegistry implementation, a django_yosai integration consist of a DjangoWebRegistry, etc.

Initializing Web-enabled Yosai

Instantiating a web-enabled instance of Yosai follows the same process as instantiating a native Yosai instance except that a WebYosai class is used rather than a Yosai class. However, web-enabled classes are used instead of the yosai.core native classes. These web-enabled classes are automatically used by a WebSecurityManager. So, all you need to do in order to make use of the web-enabled classes is specify in Yosai's yaml settings file that the WebSecurityManager is used:

    security_manager: yosai.web.WebSecurityManager
from yosai.web import WebYosai

yosai = WebYosai(env_var='YOSAI_SETTINGS')

Using a Web-enabled Yosai

To secure web applications with Yosai, you open a WebYosai context in an early stage of a web request's lifecycle, prior to calling views. The context is passed two parameters-- a WebYosai instance and WebRegistry instance:

web_registry = xxxWebRegistry(request)

with WebYosai.context(yosai, web_registry):
    response = handle(request)  # just an example of request hooking..

A WebRegistry is specific to a web application implementation. Consequently, a WebRegistry must be created for each web framework / application used.
For instance, a PyramidWebRegistry is used when integrating Yosai with applications created with the Pyramid Web Framework. In the example above, 'xxx' is a placeholder for whatever specific web registry you use.

Middleware Support: TBD

Yosai does not yet include any WSGI middleware ports of Apache Shiro's servlet related functionality. Pull requests are welcome.